This was one of those weekends that you’ll forget in a month
but was truly wonderful. The sun shone most of the time and my husband and I
really enjoyed ourselves booping around the yard and garden (well I enjoyed myself,
he found himself with a pitch fork and a bucket picking up greyhound droppings,
all with a smile on his face!—he’s a really great guy, haha). I FINALLY got my
cauliflower into the raised bed. With any luck and a little bit of patience it
will bounce back. It was looking really tired and droopy for a moment. I read
on some forum somewhere that if you planted its long leg down into the dirt
then usually it would recover well enough. I will keep you all updated on how
it does. If it does anything close to as well as the cabbage did when we
transplanted it, then we are golden.

When we finally got back to the house it was after lunch so we had to get the tomatoes started if we had any hopes of finishing. We pulled the little guys apart one-by-one and ended up with an ungodly amount of tomato plants. We will be canning, giving away, and freezing enough tomatoes to feed the western hemisphere. I have made a mental note to seriously consider how many plants five packets of seeds can supply.
Along with our countless tomatoes, we also have zucchini; yellow
and butternut squash; celery; our own chives; eggplant; green, red, jalapeno, and
Hungarian Hot Wax pepper; cabbage; and cauliflower gracing us with their
presence. It feels amazing knowing that Adam and I are nursing these little
seedlings to life. Life is good right now, really good.
till the rest of the garden.
God help us.
God help us.